

14+ 14+

45 a 60 minutes 45 a 60 minutes

2 - 4 players 2 - 4 players

The use of electricity in a constant and reliable way was one of the great technological advances that humanity achieved, allowing countless other improvements.

In Brazil much of the electricity is produced by hydroelectric dams that use the forces of rivers to light our homes. But for energy to reach the refrigerator, lamp or microwaves it takes a large transmission and distribution network passing through power substations.

A business that moves billions every year.

In Eletrika, you compete with other players to see who will contribute the most to the infrastructure to generate energy and distribute it to various cities!

About the Product

Designers: Lucas M. Rodrigues
Artistas: Carmen Ferreira Martinez e Caio Tanaka
Dimensão : 22x22x5cm
Peso: 500g


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